A charity at the heart of our community, supporting and inspiring people to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

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Carers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities

7% of Plymouth's population come from non-White British backgrounds. This includes many carers from communities as diverse as Polish, Chinese and Kurdish.

There can be additional challenges for carers from minority ethnic communities. You might struggle with language barriers, have difficulty in accessing culturally appropriate services and face stereotyping around caring. We can provide interpreters and translation to support your needs as a carer.

Carers may also face pressures to keep caring issues 'in the family' and be less likely to self-identify. This can mean increased risk of ill health, loss of work, and social exclusion. Caring for Caring can help. We can:
  • Work with you to help with your caring role.
  • Tell you about culturally appropriate services.
  • Signpost you to further sources of help and other organisations.
  • Offer you the opportunity to attend our support groups and events.

Register as a carer here.

Useful links

Devon and Cornwall Chinese Association is a non-political, non-religious organisation formed to serve and represent the interests of those members of the Chinese community who recognise a common set of needs and wish to take positive action to achieve these aspirations.

Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS) has a dedicated team of coordinators and caseworkers, over 33 volunteers, and a Board of Trustees, who ensure that asylum seekers can seek sanctuary in Plymouth whilst the UK government decides on their claim.

Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council (PDREC) aims to build a just and fair society where everyone has an equal opportunity to live and learn, free from prejudice, discrimination, and racism. They value diversity and work in partnership with individuals and organisations wo are committed to anti-racism and race equality.
