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Carers of people with substance abuse or alcohol problems

When a person uses illegal drugs or misuses alcohol, it is not only them that's affected - the impact can be far-reaching. Family, friends, children and partners are all affected. It's estimated millions of UK families and children are living with the impact of a loved one's substance of alcohol abuse.

Coping as a carer

You may not easily recognise yourself as a carer but you are. Your life will involve both supporting the person you care for, but additionally feeling the broader damaging effects  of their addiction on yourself and the rest of your family. The impact is probably practical, financial and emotional - with the emotional affect for many being the hardest to manage.

Additionally, there's a lot of stigma and secrecy around addiction, so you may find it harder to ask for help. But it's important that you do.

Register as a carer here.

Useful links

Harbour has been known for its innovative and collaborative approach in dealing with drug and alcohol issues in the community since the 1980's. They work with other local agencies to provide drug and alcohol support to anyone in the South West who needs them.

Al-Anon Family Groups support family and carers whose lives are (or have been) being affected by someone's drinking.