A charity at the heart of our community, supporting and inspiring people to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

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Outreach Service

Putting People First

Sensory Solutions provides a FREE Outreach Service - meeting with people at home, at the Centre or at other locations to offer advice and support to people with hearing and/or sight difficulties.

We can provide:

  • Help to overcome the day-to-day challenges you face at home or work because of your sight loss
  • A personalised demonstration of equipment/assistive technology designed to promote and maintain independence and also build confidence
  • Assistance to make contact with other agencies e.g. health, housing, debt advice, benefits and more...
  • An opportunity to discuss ways to continue with existing social activities and hobbies and/or develop new interests and make new friends; plus
  • Up to date and accurate information so that you can make decisions on what is best for you.

For further information, and/or to speak to our Sensory Workers (Mandy, Caroline, Amy and Jason), please contact us on:

Phone: 01752 201899 
Mobile: 07496 950013
Email: sensorysolutions@improvinglivesplymouth.org.uk