A charity at the heart of our community, supporting and inspiring people to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
The Age Positive project supports over 65's to reduce social isolation and frailty. The project works across the city to support signposting to community social groups and activities, providing information workshops on staying healthy into older adulthood, referrals to health care services and exercise sessions to ensure positive health and wellbeing into older adulthood. There are also opportunities for bespoke 1-1 short term support to encourage inclusion to activities across the city. Please see contact details below to make a referral.
Regular sessions include (but are not limited to):
Keep up-to-date with what's happening at Age Positive throughout the month by checking out our monthly newsletter, click on the image below to download the full copy.
Click here for our activities for week commencing 30th September 2024
Discover the new Improving Lives Plymouth Wellbeing Website! Click here to explore a variety of activities and sessions happening all across the city.
Click here for our activities that occur on a regular basis
If you would like more information about groups to get involved in your area contact our Age Positive team